Small Animals

Advice and services for all small animals

General Advice and Services for Small Animals

At MBM, we provide full preventative care to keep your pets in good health throughout their lives, but if illness or accident should occur our small animal vets have great knowledge and experience.

We are well equipped to perform medical investigations, general and advanced surgery, and we take referrals in ophthalmology, cardiology, acupuncture and selected surgical cases. All pets that stay overnight have 24 hour veterinary supervision and nursing care. Our friendly nurses are always available for advice and offer a variety of free health clinics.

Below, you can read our general advice and services for small animals or you can visit our pages specifically related to dogs, cats or rabbits.

24 Hour Pet Care

At MBM, we believe that around-the-clock veterinary and nursing supervision leads to better, faster recoveries for sick animals. Every patient that stays with us overnight benefits from twenty-four hour individual attention from both a vet and a nurse. This is provided in collaboration with our out-of-hours service, Vets Now Kilmarnock, and is included in our low, daily hospitalisation fee.

While your pet stays with us, all vets and nurses involved in his or her care have full access to the MBM clinical record from any of our branches at any time. In the evening, there is a detailed face-to-face handover to the Vets Now vet and nurse, who look after your pet and give all the treatments prescribed by your MBM vet at exactly the right time during the night. If there is any change in your pet’s condition or needs, Vets Now are able to call you immediately. You are also very welcome to phone for a progress report at any time if you are worried. In the morning there is a detailed face-to-face handover back to your usual MBM vet. Your pet’s charts show us exactly what has happened during the night and when, which helps us to plan specific ongoing treatment for the next day.

Our Five Freedoms of Animals Welfare

1. Free from hunger or thirst
2. Free from thermal or physical discomfort
3. Free from pain, injury and disease
4. Free from fear and distress
5. Free to indulge in normal behaviour

“The exceptional treatment provided by MBM Veterinary Group ensured that Bailey was well cared for and recovered quickly from his recent illness. He was treated as an in-patient for 24 hours and the staff looking after him were outstanding - importantly, they were able to reassure me that he was in very safe and capable hands."

- Bailey's Mum, Janet


Heart disease is, sadly, common in pets. Sometimes, a heart murmur may cause no problem, but in many cases breathlessness, coughing or fainting may occur. Diagnosing the cause of a murmur, irregular heart rhythm or chronic cough means that the best treatment can be given to your pet. In many cases, we can give our four-legged friends a new lease of life.

Vet Katy Garven consults at all three of our branches and performs cardiology diagnostics at Kilmarnock. She can also give advice on inherited heart disease in breeding animals. Please check current requirements for heart screening with your breed club or call us on 01563 522701 if you are unsure.

Our Cardiology Diagnostics include:

  • Electrocardiography
  • Digital radiography 
  • Echocardiography 
  • Holter monitoring
  • Blood pressure measurement 
  • Bronchoscopy 
  • Blood sampling and laboratory tests

All clients are very welcome to use our cardiology service, but if your pet is not registered with MBM your vet needs to make a referral. After your consultation, a full report will be sent promptly back to your usual practice to keep your vet fully informed. You can easily register online with us here.


Microchipping is available at MBM Vets for dogs, cats and other pets and is carried out by our vets or qualified veterinary nurses.

Microchipping is quick and easy to do, similar to getting a vaccination, and means a pet can be identified for the rest of its life. Vets and dog wardens across the country are able to scan the chip and access your contact details through a secure online database, so if a pet gets lost, he or she can be returned home quickly and safely.

We register the chip for you so all you have to do is check your details on the confirmation when you receive it. You can also ask to have the chip checked without charge whenever your pet visits us. Remember, it's very important that you update your contact details if they change. Information on how to do this can be found in your chip paperwork but if you have lost this we can help by scanning the chip and searching online for you.

The Microchipping of Dogs (Scotland) Regulations 2016 came into force on Wednesday 6th April 2016. These require all dogs over the age of eight weeks to be microchipped. Please note that it is the keeper's responsibility to ensure that registered details are accurate. 

Did you know...

... in addition to a microchip, dogs should also have an identity tag carrying your name and address when out in public places? This older regulation is still very relevant as it means that anyone finding your dog can contact you straight away. It's a good idea to also have a mobile phone number on the tag.

Nurse Clinics

Nurse Arthritis Clinic

Osteoarthritis is a non-curable condition which affects your pet's joints. There is no known cure, so treatment is focused on controlling pain, improving joint function and slowing down the degenerative process within the joint.

We are able to offer you a free consultation with a Pet Arthritis Counsellor if your pet has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. We aim to provide continuing support and hope to see your pet once or twice times a year, or more frequently if necessary.

Our aim is to implement a management plan to improve the quality of life for your pet. After an initial assessment with a Veterinary Surgeon and Pet Arthritis Counsellor, your pet's arthritis will be managed by some or all of the following:

  • Anti-inflammatory medication to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Joint Supplements to prevent further damage within the joint.
  • Weight Management and Nutrition as being overweight is a major contributing factor. Weight loss helps decrease lameness and pain and increases joint mobility in patients with existing osteoarthritis.
  • Hydrotherapy can help with maintaining muscle mass by allowing non-weight bearing exercise. It can also help with weight reduction. This is available out with the practice using an independent physiotherapist.
  • Acupuncture is tolerated very well in dogs and cats. It is available within the practice and is individually tailored according to the condition and response achieved. Many dogs with osteoarthritis will improve following acupuncture treatment. An initial course of 4-6 weeks is required with follow up treatment depending on the individual response.

If you would like to make an appointment with a pet arthritis counsellor, please phone the practice.

Nurse Senior Clinic

As your pet reaches middle age and gets older, certain health problems are far more likely to arise, for example heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, arthritis or cancer. Often the symptoms of age-related illness develop slowly. They can easily be missed until the disease becomes advanced.

Modern veterinary medicine means that we are better able to care for older pets to help them enjoy healthier, happier and longer lives.

Fit for Life Program

Our experienced veterinary nurses run a free Fit for Life Program for pets aged eight years and over. These nurse consultations cover all aspects of your pet's health, to identify any early warning signs, and include advice on how to help your pet in their later years.

If you would like a free Fit for Life consultation for your pet, please phone to book an appointment.

Before your appointment we ask you to complete a short pet health questionnaire to highlight any areas of concern and, as part of the program, we will do a free urine test for your pet. Questionnaires and sample pots can be collected from reception at any time.

If possible, your pet should be fasted on the day of the clinic, but can have free access to water.

Nurse Weight Clinic

All clients are welcome to bring pets to our surgeries for weight checks at no charge. You can do this as a one-time-visit or come back regularly (we usually suggest every four to six weeks). This can be particularly helpful for:

  • Growing youngsters to check that you are giving the right dose of routine worm or flea treatments.
  • Poorly or older pets to help monitor their progress and well-being.
  • Overweight pets to help keep track of weight loss goals.

Obesity is becoming more common and for many pets the weight gain happens gradually over a long period. The risks of diabetes, arthritis and other diseases are much higher in overweight pets, shortening their life expectancy and leading to chronic pain.

Our qualified veterinary nurses offer weight clinic consultations free of charge to registered clients (register online here). During the consultation, the nurse will weigh your pet and assess their body condition score. They'll give you tailored guidance on feeding and exercise, taking into consideration any illnesses your pet may also be dealing with.

You can book an appointment for your pet by calling your branch surgery.