
For happy and healthy horses

Our equine clinic based in Kilmarnock has a team of dedicated, exclusively equine vets. We provide first opinion and emergency services for horses, ponies and donkeys in Ayrshire, Greater Glasgow and Renfrewshire. We also accept referrals from other veterinary surgeons.

For cases requiring further investigation or treatment we have in-patient stabling, with competent caring nurses and yard staff. You can follow our Equine Facebook page for all equine news from MBM Vets.

How can we help?

  • Reproduction: Pre-breeding examinations, chilled and frozen artificial insemination packages and new foal checks.
  • Ultrasound Scanning: We have a portable machine allowing the imaging of muscles, tendons and joints on yards and a clinic based machine for abdominal ultrasound.
  • Radiography: Digital radiography providing excellent quality images.
  • Surgery: For general anesthesia we have an equine operating room and recovery box with equine operating table.
  • Ophthalmology: Dr. Matthews is a European diplomat who worked with the practice for 28 years. He is now available for referral eye cases.
  • Medicine: Cardiac, abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopy and respiratory endoscopy for medicine cases.
  • Lameness Investigation: Further investigation of lameness is often performed at the clinic where we have facilities to examine horse on both hard and soft surfaces.
  • Laboratory: Our in house laboratory is able to deal with the majority of tests we undertake and ensures rapid results. Some samples are sent to outside laboratories.
  • Endoscopes: A variety of endoscopes allow video-endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tract. We also have a gastroscope allowing us to image the stomach and monitor for gastric ulcers.
  • Dentistry: We have excellent motorised dental equipment allowing complex procedures, including tooth repair and correction as well as performing tooth removal.

Thistle Equine Referrals

Thistle Equine Referrals

Thistle Equine Referrals is a collaboration offering second opinion and referral services for vets and horse owners.

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